School Particulars

1Name of school:Gama International School
2Address:Kuthuparamba, Kannur,Kerala, pin code-670643
3Cluster name:GLPS kuthuparamba
4Block name:kuthuparamba
5School type:co-educational
6School category:upper primary with nursery and primary classes
7School management:un-recognized
8Mid-day meal:not provided; milk provided for KG children’s
9Medium of instruction:English
10Founded in year:2009
11Location type:rural
12School building type:independent building
13No. of books in library:300
14No. of computers:5
15No. of class rooms:25
16No. of teachers:33
17Classes:nursery to 7th
18Drinking water type:filter
20Book library:yes
21Residentional. Facility:no
22Pre-primary section:yes
23Medical check-up:yes
24Computer aided learning:yes
25Ramps for disabled:yes
26CCE curriculum:yes